sdfarmer 发表于 2019-4-22 09:56:19


There was a network flap detected to Any2 Exchange in LAX facility. Peering has been shutdown to exchange and traffic should be normalized now. Peering to exchange will be turned back on after confirmation from Coresite that is everything is normalized.

sxbtdzx01 发表于 2019-6-13 17:06:12

在LAX设施中向Any2 Exchange检测到网络襟翼。Peering已关闭以进行交换,流量现在应该正常化。在核心网站确认之后,对等交换将被重新开启,即一切都已正常化。

whrs 发表于 2019-6-14 11:45:22


代代代 发表于 2019-7-12 17:48:39

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